
AutoNation - Porsche Irvine

LEED Silver

Services - LEED Certification & Commissioning

36,843 sq./ft

Wonderfully designed to cater to the needs of all customers, Porsche Irvine was constructed as a pillar to represent the amazing service and experience that a Porsche dealership was meant to provide. A true luxury car dealership experience is personable, efficient, and enjoyable from start to end, and that's what Porsche Irvine strives to offer through its management and state of the art dealership. Hospitality and customer service define the most core values of Porsche Irvine and providing customers with first-class customer service is a requirement of the staff at this dealership. 

This Porsche dealership has been certified LEED Silver and through this certification, has displayed several progressive strategies in green building and design. Through these and other improvements in design and implementation, Porsche Irvine has been able to achieve a significant decrease in overall energy use and water use throughout the building. The total predicted energy consumption for the year is 617,604 kWh of electricity and 337 therms of natural gas, which, based on ASHRAE 90.1 standards, means that Porsche Irvine will achieve energy savings of 20.0%. This building has also lowered its potable water usage by 47.71%, as well as the elimination of potable water use for irrigation, which has also reduced the total water used for irrigation by 64.04%. Landscaping irrigation uses only captured rainwater, recycled rainwater, recycled graywater, or water treated and conveyed by a public agency, specifically for nonpotable uses.